
Anyone receiving the services of a Registered Social Worker is entitled to be treated in a fair and ethical manner. All Registered Social Workers are expected to practice competently and professionally. The vast majority of social workers are ethical and skilled practitioners who meet these obligations. Occasionally situations arise that result in a complaint against a social worker. The purpose of this section is to provide members of the public with information on what constitutes a complaint, how to file a complaint, and what happens when a complaint is received.

More Information:

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a written statement from a person who believes that a Registered Social Worker or a former registered social worker (within the past two years) has practiced unprofessionally. A complaint may be submitted on the form provided on the ACSW web site or in a letter from the complainant. Normally the College will not act upon a verbal or anonymous complaint.

Who can file a complaint?

Anyone who believes that they or someone they know has been harmed by a social worker may file a complaint. Registered social workers have an obligation to notify the College when they believe or have reason to believe that a colleague has engaged in unprofessional conduct. If the person filing the complaint is not the person who was directly affected by the violation, clients should be named only if they have given their consent. When a Registered Social Worker is terminated, suspended, or resigns in place of termination, the employer must notify the ACSW of the termination or suspension (see s.57 of the Health Professions Act ). The ACSW then treats this notification as a complaint.

What are the goals of the complaint process?

The purpose of professional regulation is to protect the public and to maintain the integrity of the profession. The first goal is to gather evidence in a fair and impartial manner to determine whether the allegations are supported by facts. If a complaint is determined to be frivolous or vexatious, or if there is insufficient evidence of unprofessional conduct, the complaint will be dismissed and the social worker will remain a registered member in good standing. When the evidence demonstrates that a social worker has made a mistake or acted in a manner that caused harm to a client or the standing of the profession generally, the College will take the action necessary to ensure that the violation is not repeated.

What happens when a complaint is filed?

The complaint process is a legal process governed by the Health Professions Act and the Social Workers Profession Regulation.

When a written complaint is received by the ACSW, the complaints director must decide within 30 days what action to take and must notify the complainant of the decision. The complaints director may take any of the following actions:

  • encourage the complainant and the social worker to resolve the complaint
  • with consent of the complainant and the investigated person, attempt to resolve the complaint
  • refer the matter to an alternate complaint resolution process
  • request an expert report on the subject matter of the complaint
  • conduct or appoint an investigator to conduct an investigation
  • if satisfied the complaint is trivial or vexatious, or that there is insufficient evidence or no evidence of unprofessional conduct, dismiss the complaint
  • refer the social worker for an assessment of incapacity

In most cases the registered social worker is notified of the complaint and given details on the subject matter of the complaint. A copy of the original complaint may be given to the social worker and the social worker may be asked to respond in writing.

Does the ACSW regulate all social workers?

The Alberta College of Social Workers can only deal with complaints about social workers who are registered in Alberta. You can call the ACSW if you are not sure whether an individual is a registered social worker.

Filing a formal complaint is not the only option

The first thing you should do if you have a concern, whether or not you choose to file a complaint, is talk to the social worker to see if you can resolve the issue yourself. If a conversation doesn't make a difference for your concern, talk to the social worker’s supervisor and follow any conflict resolution policies available within the agency. If the matter is still unresolved, an impartial mediator or an advocate may be able to intervene on your behalf. There are several organizations in Alberta that provide these services on a voluntary basis. Your municipal community services agency may be able to provide you with information on the services in your area. If none of these processes are available to you, or if you have tried them without success, you may still choose to file a complaint with the ACSW.

What is Alternative Complaint Resolution (ACR)?

The legislation authorizes the complaints director to refer a matter to ACR if both the complainant and the social worker are in agreement. The process may include mediation, traditional Aboriginal approaches to justice, or other methods that are normally less adversarial than a formal hearing. There are a number of factors that would be considered before entering an ACR process, including fairness, power differentials, and the cultural background of the parties.

Alternative complaint resolution is conducted by an impartial person and the ACSW is represented by a social worker with no connection to the other parties. Some processes may also involve other individuals who may or may not be connected to the matters respecting the complaint.

The person managing the process is responsible for assisting the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. If it appears that the matter is not likely to result in a settlement it is referred back to the complaints director. If a settlement is reached, it is presented to a Complaint Review Committee, which may ratify the settlement, refuse to ratify the settlement, or obtain consent from the parties to modify and then ratify the settlement. If a ratified settlement addresses all the matters of the complaint there are no further proceedings with respect to those matters.

What happens when a complaint is investigated?

When the complaints director appoints an investigator to conduct an investigation, the investigator may ask any person to answer any questions and to produce any documents relevant to the case and may copy and keep copies of any documents provided. In a typical investigation, the person who filed the complaint and the social worker who was complained about (the respondent) provide most of the information relevant to the case. Other people may be interviewed including witnesses to specific actions, employers, family members, or anyone else who has knowledge about the issues under investigation.

Once the investigation is complete, the investigator prepares a report detailing the findings of the investigation and presents it to the complaints director. The complaints director decides, on the basis of the information in the report, whether to dismiss the complaint, request additional information, or refer the matter to the hearings director for a hearing.

Is the complainant required to participate in the investigation process?

While the person who makes a complaint about a registered social worker is not legally obligated to participate in the investigation process, an investigation is not likely to proceed without witnesses.

Who investigates complaints about social workers?

Complaints are normally investigated by registered social workers who have received special training for the task. Investigators are recruited for their skill in a particular field or for their generally recognized expertise and they are held accountable to the same Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice and legislative requirements as any other practicing social worker. If a case deals with an area of practice that is highly specialized, an outside expert may be involved.

What happens when a complaint is dismissed?

When a complaint is received, before or after it is investigated, the complaints director may make a decision to dismiss the complaint on the basis that it is frivolous or vexatious, or that there is insufficient or no evidence of unprofessional conduct. When a complaint is dismissed, the complaints director must give reasons. The complainant may apply, in writing with reasons, to the Hearings Director for a review of the dismissal of a complaint within 30 days of being notified of the dismissal. A complaint review committee reviews the decision and investigator's report (if there is one), and may refer the matter to the hearings director for a hearing, direct the complaints director to appoint an investigator or conduct further investigation, or confirm that the complaint is dismissed.

Does the complainant participate if there is a hearing?

This depends on the nature of the complaint and the social worker's response to the complaint. A complainant may be subpoenaed to attend and present evidence to the hearing tribunal. In some cases the social worker will enter a Consent Order prior to the hearing which involves agreeing to a statement of facts and recommended sanctions in advance. When this happens, witnesses are not usually called to give evidence.

What is the process for making a formal complaint?

A complainant may complete a Complaint Information Form (see link below) or may put the information in a letter. In either case, the complaint must be in writing and signed by the complainant. Complaints can be: mailed, emailed, or faxed. 

The following information must be included in the complaint letter or form:

  • Complainant's full name, address, and daytime telephone number.
  • The full name of the registered social worker being complained, including any known contact information about the social worker.
  • The details of the relationship with the registered social worker: clients include how long they’ve been a client, other complainants explain their connection to the social worker.
  • The details of the circumstances which led to the complaint, including dates, the names of any witnesses, and any other information relevant to the complaint.
  • Specific details regarding the act (or failure to act) that forms the basis of the unprofessional conduct. Supporting documentation should be copied and included.

In general, complaints should include the basic information of “who, what, when, where, why and how.”

Complaint Information Form

A. Receiving a complaint

The discipline process is a legal process. The Health Professions Act (HPA) and the Social Work Profession Regulation define the actions that can or must be followed in each case. The process begins when a complaint, or information that is treated as a complaint, is received about a registered social worker.

Within 30 days of receiving a complaint or treating information as a complaint, the complaints director must notify the complainant of what actions will be taken with respect to the complaint. Under Section 55 of the HPA the complaints director may take the following actions :

  • encourage the complainant and the investigated person to communicate with each other and resolve the complaint
  • with the consent of the complainant and the investigated person, attempt to resolve the complaint
  • make a referral to an alternative complaint resolution process under Division 2
  • May request an expert to assess and provide a written report on the subject-matter of the complaint
  • May conduct, or appoint an investigator to conduct an investigation
  • If satisfied that the complaint is trivial or vexatious, dismiss the complaint
  • If satisfied that there is insufficient or no evidence of unprofessional conduct, dismiss the complaint, and
  • May make a direction under section 118

If the complaint is dismissed, the Complaints Director must notify the complainant within 30 days of their right to apply for a review by a complaint review committee. A request for review must be made in writing within 30 days of receiving notice of the dismissal.

If the complaints director determines that there is sufficient evidence that the social worker may have acted unprofessionally, the social worker will be contacted by telephone. In most cases, initial contact is made by telephone to let the social worker know a complaint has been received. If appropriate, an attempt may be made to resolve the matter informally as per Section 55(2)(a) or 55(2)(a.1) of the Health Professions Act or to make a referral to alternate complaint resolution.

In cases where the complaints director requests an expert assessment or appoints an investigator, the registered social worker is notified of the complaint and given details on the matters to be addressed. In most cases, a copy of the original complaint is given to the social worker. The social worker may be asked to respond to the complaint in writing.

B. Investigating a complaint

The people who investigate complaints about social work practice are normally registered social workers who have received training specific to this role. Their job is not to prove innocence or guilt. It is their responsibility to gather factual evidence with regard to the complaint. Investigators normally begin by interviewing the complainant to gather further details about the allegations so as to ensure that the investigation will be complete. The social worker will also be interviewed, and both primary parties will be asked to identify other people who could provide additional useful information. The investigator will also ask for copies of documents that pertain to the complaint and may ask for samples of other work by the social worker for comparison. The Health Professions Act authorizes the investigator to copy and keep documents, to view originals and if necessary take them away. The length of an investigation will vary based on availability of people and information, complexity of the complaint, and legal or employment matters that may be involved.

C. Making a decision about a complaint

Once the investigation is complete, the complaints director makes a decision whether there is sufficient evidence to support the complaint or if the matter should be dismissed. If the complaint is dismissed, the complainant has the right to an appeal within 30 days. If there is evidence to support the complaint, the matter is referred to the Hearings Director for a hearing. Hearing tribunals include a minimum of two social workers and two public members. At least fifty percent of the tribunal must be public members.

A hearing is a formal process set out in the legislation. Witnesses may be called by the ACSW or the registered social worker, documents are placed in evidence, the proceedings are recorded, and a decision is issued upon completion. The decision may be appealed to Council.

D. Actions

In the majority of cases that result in a sanction against a social worker, the requirement is for something educational. Social workers have been directed to take courses, to work under supervision, to deal with an impairment that impacts their ability to work, to take some action to demonstrate their learning, and to share their learning with others through presentation or publication. As the cost of discipline proceedings is quite high, social workers are often ordered to pay a portion of the costs. In rare cases, a social workers practice permit may be suspended or cancelled.

Each time a complaint is referred to a Hearings Tribunal, a decision is made with regard to publication. According to ACSW bylaws, if a member’s registration is suspended or cancelled for disciplinary reasons the decision is published with the social worker’s name. In all other cases, the hearing tribunal decides whether the decision will be published, and if so whether it will include names. The publication of decisions is intended in part to help social workers understand the discipline process and reasons for decisions. Please note that all decisions by a Hearing Tribunal are considered public documents and may be requested by name.

All reference to Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics found within discipline decisions refer to the Standards and Code that were in effect at the time the unprofessional conduct occurred. Copies of the relevant documents may be obtained from the ACSW. The complaint number for each file indicates the year in which the complaint was received.

These Discipline decisions are published pursuant to the Orders of the Hearing Tribunal authorized under the Health Professions Act Section 82 (1)

The Alberta College of Social Workers, by publishing these decisions, intends to:

  • Explain to Social Workers and Members of the public what does or does not constitute unprofessional conduct.
  • Provide an explanation of the Discipline process and necessary sanctions to the public as well as Social Workers who may be going through the discipline process, or are seeking a better understanding of professional conduct, discipline and the role of the College.
  • Implement the decisions of Hearing Tribunals and the Discipline Committee.

Patient Relations

If you report sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a Registered Social Worker (RSW) while you were a patient (as defined in the ACSW Standards of Practice S. A(l)) you may be eligible for counselling or therapy funding. Please contact the Alberta College of Social Workers and speak with a Complaints Director by calling 780-421-1167 to find out more.

Complaints Regarding Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct

Social Workers, as health care professionals, are in a position of power over a patient, by virtue of having professional knowledge and skill that a patient must rely on for their well-being. Health care professionals must always maintain professional boundaries with their patients. Special rules and laws have been enacted in the Health Professions Act (HPA) to deal with sexual abuse and sexual misconduct. Regulated health professionals, including registered social workers, are prohibited from engaging in any form of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct with a patient.

Sexual Abuse is defined in the Health Professions Act, and “means the threatened, attempted or actual conduct of a regulated member towards a patient that is of a sexual nature and includes any of the following conduct:  
  • Sexual intercourse between a regulated member and a patient of that regulated member;
  • Genital to genital, genital to anal, oral to genital or oral to anal contact between a regulated member and a patient of that regulated member;
  • Masturbation of a regulated member by, or in the presence of, a patient of that regulated member;
  • Masturbation of a regulated member’s patient by that regulated member;
  • Encouraging a regulated member’s patient to masturbate in the presence of that regulated member;
  • Touching of a sexual nature of a client's genitals, anus, breasts or buttocks by a regulated member.”
Sexual Misconduct as defined in the Health Professions Act, “means any incident or repeated incidents of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature by a regulated member towards a patient that the regulated member knows or ought reasonably to know will or would cause offence or humiliation to the patient or adversely affect the patient's health and well-being but does not include sexual abuse".

Each college that regulates a health profession must define who constitutes a “patient” in their Standards of Practice. For the purposes of the sexual abuse and sexual misconduct provisions in the Health Professions Act the Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) defines “patient” in the ACSW Standards of Practice S. A(l).

Did your Registered Social Worker do something to make you feel uncomfortable? Were you inappropriately touched? Was something sexually suggestive said? If this is the case, please contact the Alberta College of Social Workers to discuss your concerns.

We recognize that coming forward with a complaint about sexual abuse or misconduct can be very difficult. If you believe a Registered Social Worker may have crossed a sexual boundary, we urge you to contact us at 780-421-1167 and ask to speak to a Complaints Director.

Complaints of a sexual nature may involve:

  • Sexual Advances: This could include a health care professional making sexual advances such as invitations to engage in a sexual relationship.
  • Inappropriate comments or gestures: This could include saying something sexually suggestive or seductive to you, commenting unnecessarily about sexual relationships or sexual orientation, making sexually insulting or offensive comments or jokes, or giving unwanted attention (like kissing).
  • Sexual contact or assault: This encompasses everything from inappropriate touching to sexual assault. It also includes any sexual contact between a social worker and a client that would otherwise be considered consensual.
Coming forward about a sexually inappropriate encounter you’ve experienced with a Registered Social Worker can be incredibly difficult and there are many reasons why you may choose not to do so. There are, however, good reasons for reporting:
  • Public protection: Incidents of sexual abuse are often not isolated. By coming forward, you could help us act to ensure that what happened to you does not happen to someone else.
  • Awareness: The regulatory body won’t know otherwise, we rely on individuals to make us aware when things aren’t right. We can only learn about sexual abuse from people who make complaints.
  • Your own sense of closure: If you’ve been the victim of sexual abuse by a health care professional, knowing that there is an investigation and potential consequences may play a role in your healing process.
If you report sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a Registered Social Worker while you were a patient (as defined in the ACSW Standards of Practice S. A(l) ) you may be eligible for counselling or therapy funding. Please contact the Alberta College of Social Workers and speak with a Complaints Director by calling 780-421-1167 to find out more.
We recognize that coming forward with a complaint about sexual abuse can be very difficult. When you call for assistance or to make a complaint, you will speak to a Complaints Director. Our Complaints Directors have specific training in the area of sexual abuse and will give you an idea of what to expect with the College’s complaint process. They will not take statements or conduct investigations.

Please review information regarding our complaints process. You can also speak to a Complaints Director on the phone by calling 780-421-1167. You can remain anonymous, use an alias, or arrange to meet in person. If you then decide to make a formal complaint, it must be in writing and signed (See Complaint Information Form). You may submit a Complaint Information Form formal complaint in person, by mail, by email (, or by fax (780-421-1168).

When your complaint is received, the Complaints Director may conduct or appoint an Investigator to conduct, an investigation. The Investigator will contact you to schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns and obtain additional information. The Investigator will ask you to explain what happened as clearly and in as much detail as you can possibly provide.

Legislation requires us to notify the health care professional of your complaint, and the health care professional is given the opportunity to respond to it. Other information about the incident or documents related to the complaint such as hospital, Alberta Health Care or pharmaceutical records may be gathered as part of the investigation.

Your complaint is handled with the utmost seriousness, and all complaints will be investigated. When the investigation is complete, all the materials gathered by the Investigator are given to a Complaints Director of our College who reviews the information and decides what should happen.

The Complaints Director may decide to refer the concerns about the Registered Social Worker to the Hearing Tribunal or may determine no further action is needed if the conduct or care was appropriate.

More information regarding the ACSW complaint process can be found at the top of this page by clicking here: Complaints.

Your complaint may be referred to the Hearings Director who will then form a Hearing Tribunal. Hearings at the College are much like proceedings in a court of law. If the Complaints Director refers your complaint to a Hearing Tribunal, the College will present evidence before a panel consisting of Registered Social Workers and a member of the public who will hear the evidence presented and decide if there was unprofessional conduct.

If you are asked to testify at the hearing, you are encouraged to bring someone with you for support. If you testify, you may be questioned by the legal representatives of the College and the Registered Social Worker, respectively. Every effort will be made to ensure that at least one member of the hearing tribunal is the same gender identity as you.

If the Hearing Tribunal finds the allegations of sexual abuse are proven, the Registered Social Worker’s registration will be cancelled, they will be prohibited from practicing social work in Alberta. If the Hearing Tribunal finds allegations of sexual misconduct proven, the Registered Social Worker will be suspended, and timelines imposed will depend on the circumstances of the case.

The decisions of the Hearing Tribunal are subject to an appeal process. The Registered Social Worker or the Complaints Director, on behalf of the college, may appeal the Hearing Tribunal’s decision.

Hearings are open to the public and the media may attend unless the Hearing Tribunal orders the hearing be held in private or an application is submitted for the hearing to be held in private. The media can publish the name of the health care professional, but in cases involving misconduct of a sexual nature the Hearing Tribunal is required, by law, to order a publication ban on information that could identify you if you request such an order.
If you think you have experienced sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a Registered Social Worker, we urge you to contact the Alberta College of Social Workers at 780-421-1167 and ask to speak to a Complaints Director or send an email to .

Scheduled Hearings

The ACSW will publish information regarding scheduled hearings after a complaint has been referred to a hearing by the Complaints Director (or Complaint Review Committee) and the member has been provided a Notice of Hearing.

Hearing details are posted to inform the public and members of upcoming proceedings for transparency and accountability, and to educate and deter members from engaging in unprofessional conduct.  

Hearing details (linked below) will remain on the website until the day of the hearing.  Personal information has been redacted. Hearings, with some exceptions, are open to the public. To attend hearings that are open to the public, you must register with the ACSW to attend. Hearing dates may change at any time. 

Hearing Decisions 

The ACSW publishes Hearing Tribunal disciplinary decisions to inform the public of findings of unprofessional conduct and resulting sanctions. Publishing decisions reinforces ethical and competent social work practice to protect public safety and educate registered social workers about what constitutes unprofessional or unethical behaviour. 

When a registered member’s practice permit is suspended or cancelled as a result of findings of unprofessional conduct the hearing decision is published “with names”. In cases where member’s practice permits are not cancelled or suspended as a result of findings of unprofessional conduct the hearing decisions are published “without names”.

Hearing decisions are published on the ACSW website for ten years from the date of the hearing. As required by the Health Professions Act, any findings of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct, will be published indefinitely.

All Hearing Decisions

Hearing Decisions Published With Names